
As Swapnil Tech™ is a blog related to technology and computer, Here we all discuss about computer, technology, and internet. Our focus is make update in the information related to tech. All the news that are published on the site is gathered from internet and some others sources. These all are written by the author itself. Copying of the contents is not allowed, as it against the privacy law. Here we all discuss  all the relevant things that are going the internet and in techno world.

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Our intention is simply to make the people up to date in the tech related and in the world of internet. We don't want to irritate people or make any kind of illegal issues. Thus we will try give the information for educational purpose in an Ethical manner.
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{picture#https://instagram.fbom1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/t51.2885-19/s150x150/17662158_221658868312088_138323287238246400_a.jpg} Hi, I am Swapnil Zambare. I love to explore Computer and Internet. My aim is to spread tips and tricks related to Hacking, Computer, Android phones, Blogging, SEO, Social networks and many mores all over the world for free so that every one can enjoy our Premium Services for Completely Free. {facebook#https://www.facebook.com/SwapnilTech} {twitter#https://twitter.com/swapnilzambare7} {google#YOUR_SOCIAL_PROFILE_URL} {pinterest#YOUR_SOCIAL_PROFILE_URL} {youtube#YOUR_SOCIAL_PROFILE_URL} {instagram#https://www.instagram.com/theswapnilzambare/}

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